100 Monroe Crossing SE
Cartersville, GA 30120

ImageGravel & Stone

Gravel and Stone are Affordable

For homeowners with a budget, GRAVEL IS A GODSEND! Other landscaping materials need cutting, mixing, curing, measuring, which add to the cost of the finished product. Surface materials like asphalt and concrete are not for do-it-yourselfers. These require experts, and the cost of labor adds up quickly. But gravel requires minimal preparation, and that saves you TONS OF MONEY. We wash our gravel to ensure consistency and quality, and then it is ready for delivery. And you save even more, because that delivery is FREE. Homeowners who need to cover a large amount of space will LOVE the savings we offer on gravel. Long concrete or asphalt driveways can cost small fortunes, whereas gravel COSTS A FRACTION of that. When you’ve got a lot to fill in, gravel just makes economic sense.

Gravel and Stone are Easy to Install

Compared with other surface materials, stone and gravel are a breeze. You won’t have to mix or cure anything. You won’t be on your hands and knees fine-tuning with masonry sand between stones. You won’t need to cut material to fit. The supplies are delivered FREE to your driveway. Spread them over the area, grade it as needed and give them a week to settle. THAT’S IT. That’s the entire installation process. You WON’T BELIEVE how easy it is.

Gravel and Stone are Durable

Gravel and stone landscaping can LAST A LIFETIME if properly installed and maintained. They are heavy, so they stay put during harsh storms, and porous, so they let water flow through easily rather than getting pushed around. That durability saves you even more money over the long run, as you need to replace your landscaping fewer times. A dry stone creek bed will last long after a metal drain would have rusted into junk. A properly maintained gravel driveway will still look great years after a concrete driveway would have begun cracking and splitting. With gravel and stone, you solve your landscaping problem for good.

Gravel and Stone are Easy to Maintain

Your gravel and stone landscaping projects will be REMARKABLY SIMPLE to keep looking great. With correct grading, most surfaces made from gravel won’t develop potholes or wash out. However, these issues do crop up from time to time. If your gravel gets dips and depressions, you just need a bit of extra gravel on hand to fill it in. It will settle and compact itself, just throw it on top. You’ll also want to spread a thin layer of new gravel on top of the old gravel every couple of years. You should also apply weed killer to your landscaping. Even if you laid down weed cloth before installing gravel and stone, weeds always find a way. Chemical solutions work perfectly well with gravel and stone.

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Monday - 8:00a-5:00p
Tuesday - 8:00a-5:00p
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Thursday - 8:00a-5:00p
Friday - 8:00a-5:00p
Sat & Sun -  Closed

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Kevin Westmoreland Trucking
100 Monroe Crossing SE
Cartersville, GA 30120

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